“Pogresna intuicija, ma nije ovo licitacija, nema te nema sto godina, ne secam ti se ni imena…”

My dear friends,

Welcome to my Blog! I would like to use it for only one purpose and that is sharing my life story. My father was a shadow. My father was actually an as**ole who ran away after one crazy night spent with my mom. Actually, my mom gave me up for adoption after I had been born. I grew up in this little village I should not say its name. There were plenty of kids. There was 10 of us – 5 boys and 5 girls. I was one lonely and angry boy who wanted to run away from that hell. It was hell. Once I fell in love with this blond girls who was like the smallest of them all. She didn't like me so I pushed her down the stairs. She survived, although she broke her arm and her leg. I didn't care ’cause she didn't care for me either. One summer night, I couldn't sleep, so I went to the barn. I lit the match and burnt it. After that, I took a box of gasoline that stood near the small parking lot and threw it all around the house where we lived. Than I lit second match and burnt the hell out of it. It was cool. That was my anger. Then, I ran.

When I got to the city, I started looking for my father. Not my mom, but my dad. I was 17 back then. I looked and looked for him, but zero match. I got some information from that young girl who told me she could help. We quickly became friends and… well, the rest was the history. So, we both found him. I couldn't believe who my father was.


Part One Has Ended



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